Source code for simfleet.simulator

import asyncio
import io
import json
import threading
import time
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import faker
import pandas as pd
from aiohttp import web as aioweb
from loguru import logger
from spade.agent import Agent
from spade.behaviour import TimeoutBehaviour, OneShotBehaviour
from tabulate import tabulate

from .customer import CustomerAgent
from .directory import DirectoryAgent
from .fleetmanager import FleetManagerAgent
from .station import StationAgent
from .transport import TransportAgent
from .utils import load_class, status_to_str, avg, request_path as async_request_path

faker_factory = faker.Factory.create()

[docs]class SimulatorAgent(Agent): """ The Simulator. It manages all the simulation processes. Tasks done by the simulator at initialization: #. Create the XMPP server #. Run the SPADE backend #. Run the directory agent. #. Create agents defined in scenario (if any). After these tasks are done in the Simulator constructor, the simulation is started when the ``run`` method is called. """ def __init__( self, config, agentjid="simulator@localhost", password="simulator123j3" ): self.config = config super().__init__(jid=agentjid, password=password) self.pretty_name = ( "({})".format(self.config.simulation_name) if self.config.simulation_name else "" ) self.verbose = self.config.verbose = self.directory_agent = None self.df_avg = None self.customer_df = None self.transport_df = None self.manager_df = None self.station_df = None self.simulation_mutex = threading.Lock() self.simulation_running = False self.simulation_time = None self.simulation_init_time = None self.kill_simulator = threading.Event() self.kill_simulator.clear() self.lock = threading.RLock() self.fleetmanager_strategy = None self.transport_strategy = None self.customer_strategy = None self.directory_strategy = None self.station_strategy = None self.delayed_launch_agents = {}"Starting SimFleet {}".format(self.pretty_name)) self.set_default_strategies( config.fleetmanager_strategy, config.transport_strategy, config.customer_strategy, config.directory_strategy, config.station_strategy, ) self.route_host = config.route_host self.clear_agents() self.base_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent self._icons = None icons_path = self.base_path / "templates" / "data" / "img_transports.json" self.load_icons(icons_path) self.create_directory_agent( name=config.directory_name, password=config.directory_password ) "Creating {} managers, {} transports, {} customers and {} stations.".format( config.num_managers, config.num_transport, config.num_customers, config.num_stations, ) ) self.load_scenario() self.template_path = self.base_path / "templates"
[docs] async def setup(self):"Simulator agent running") self.web.add_get("/app", self.index_controller, "index.html") self.web.add_get("/init", self.init_controller, None) self.web.add_get("/entities", self.entities_controller, None) self.web.add_get("/run", self.run_controller, None) self.web.add_get("/stop", self.stop_agents_controller, None) self.web.add_get("/clean", self.clean_controller, None) self.web.add_get( "/download/excel/", self.download_stats_excel_controller, None, raw=True ) self.web.add_get( "/download/json/", self.download_stats_json_controller, None, raw=True )"/assets", str(self.template_path / "assets")) self.web.start( hostname=self.config.http_ip, port=self.config.http_port, templates_path=str(self.template_path), ) "Web interface running at http://{}:{}/app".format( self.config.http_ip, self.config.http_port ) )
[docs] def load_scenario(self): """ Load the information from the preloaded scenario through the SimfleetConfig class """"Loading scenario...") for manager in self.config["fleets"]: name = manager["name"] password = ( manager["password"] if "password" in manager else faker_factory.password() ) fleet_type = manager["fleet_type"] strategy = manager.get("strategy") icon = manager.get("icon") agent = self.create_fleetmanager_agent( name, password, fleet_type=fleet_type, strategy=strategy ) self.set_icon(agent, icon, default=fleet_type) while len(self.manager_agents) < self.config.num_managers: time.sleep(0.1) all_coroutines = [] try: future = self.submit( self.async_create_agents_batch_transport(self.config["transports"]) ) all_coroutines += future.result() except Exception as e: logger.exception("EXCEPTION creating Transport agents batch {}".format(e)) try: future = self.submit( self.async_create_agents_batch_customer(self.config["customers"]) ) all_coroutines += future.result() except Exception as e: logger.exception("EXCEPTION creating Customer agents batch {}".format(e)) try: future = self.submit( self.async_create_agents_batch_station(self.config["stations"]) ) all_coroutines += future.result() except Exception as e: logger.exception("EXCEPTION creating Station agents batch {}".format(e)) assert all([asyncio.iscoroutine(x) for x in all_coroutines]) self.submit(self.gather_batch(all_coroutines))
[docs] async def gather_batch(self, all_coroutines): agents_batch = 20 number = max(len(all_coroutines), 0) iterations = [agents_batch] * (number // agents_batch) if number % agents_batch: iterations.append(number % agents_batch) current_index = 0 for iteration in iterations: "Agent Batch Creation. Iteration current_index = {}".format( current_index ) ) current_coros = all_coroutines[current_index : current_index + iteration] current_index += iteration await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await asyncio.gather(*current_coros) logger.success("All agents gathered")
[docs] async def async_create_agents_batch_transport(self, agents: list) -> List: coros = [] for transport in agents: name = transport["name"] logger.debug("transport creation batch = {}".format(name)) password = ( transport["password"] if "password" in transport else faker_factory.password() ) position = transport["position"] fleetmanager = transport["fleet"] fleet_type = transport["fleet_type"] speed = transport.get("speed") fuel = transport.get("fuel") autonomy = transport.get("autonomy") current_autonomy = transport.get("current_autonomy") strategy = transport.get("strategy") icon = transport.get("icon") delay = transport["delay"] if "delay" in transport else None delayed = False if delay is not None: delayed = True agent = self.create_transport_agent( name, password, position=position, speed=speed, fleet_type=fleet_type, fleetmanager=fleetmanager, strategy=strategy, autonomy=autonomy, current_autonomy=current_autonomy, delayed=delayed, ) self.set_icon(agent, icon, default="transport") if delay is not None: if delay not in self.delayed_launch_agents: self.delayed_launch_agents[delay] = [] self.delayed_launch_agents[delay].append(agent) else: coros.append(agent.start()) return coros
[docs] async def async_create_agents_batch_customer(self, agents: list) -> List: coros = [] for customer in agents: name = customer["name"] logger.debug("customer creation batch = {}".format(name)) password = ( customer["password"] if "password" in customer else faker_factory.password() ) fleet_type = customer["fleet_type"] position = customer["position"] target = customer["destination"] strategy = customer.get("strategy") icon = customer.get("icon") delay = customer["delay"] if "delay" in customer else None delayed = False if delay is not None: delayed = True agent = self.create_customer_agent( name, password, fleet_type, position=position, target=target, strategy=strategy, delayed=delayed, ) self.set_icon(agent, icon, default="customer") if delay is not None: if delay not in self.delayed_launch_agents: self.delayed_launch_agents[delay] = [] self.delayed_launch_agents[delay].append(agent) else: coros.append(agent.start()) return coros
[docs] async def async_create_agents_batch_station(self, agents: list) -> List: coros = [] for station in agents: logger.debug("station creation batch = {}".format(station["name"])) password = ( station["password"] if "password" in station else faker_factory.password() ) strategy = station.get("strategy") icon = station.get("icon") agent = self.create_station_agent( station["name"], password, position=station["position"], power=station["power"], places=station["places"], strategy=strategy, ) self.set_icon(agent, icon, default="electric_station") coros.append(agent.start()) return coros
[docs] def load_icons(self, filename): with as f:"Reading icons {}".format(filename)) self._icons = json.load(f)
[docs] def assigning_fleet_icon(self, fleet_type, default=None): if fleet_type not in self._icons: fleet_type = "default" if default is None else default icon = self._icons[fleet_type].pop(0) self._icons[fleet_type].append(icon) logger.debug("Got icon for fleet type {}".format(fleet_type)) return icon
[docs] def set_icon(self, agent, icon, default=None): if icon: if icon.startswith("data:image"): agent.set_icon(icon) else: agent.set_icon(self.assigning_fleet_icon(icon, default)) else: agent.set_icon(self.assigning_fleet_icon(default))
[docs] def set_directory(self, agent): self.directory_agent = agent
[docs] def get_directory(self): return self.directory_agent
[docs] def is_simulation_finished(self): """ Checks if the simulation is finished. A simulation is finished if the max simulation time has been reached or when the fleetmanager says it. Returns: bool: whether the simulation is finished or not. """ if self.config.max_time is None: return False return self.time_is_out() or self.all_customers_in_destination()
[docs] def time_is_out(self): """ Checks if the max simulation time has been reached. Returns: bool: whether the max simulation time has been reached or not. """ return self.get_simulation_time() > self.config.max_time
[docs] def run(self): """ Starts the simulation """ class RunBehaviour(OneShotBehaviour): async def run(self): # self.clear_stopped_agents() if not self.agent.simulation_running: self.agent.kill_simulator.clear() with self.agent.simulation_mutex: all_agents = ( list(self.agent.manager_agents.values()) + list(self.agent.transport_agents.values()) + list(self.agent.customer_agents.values()) + list(self.agent.station_agents.values()) ) while not all([agent.is_ready() for agent in all_agents]): logger.debug("Waiting for all agents to be ready") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) for manager in self.agent.manager_agents.values(): manager.run_strategy() logger.debug( f"Running strategy {self.agent.fleetmanager_strategy} to manager {}" ) for transport in self.agent.transport_agents.values(): transport.run_strategy() logger.debug( f"Running strategy {self.agent.transport_strategy} to transport {}" ) for customer in self.agent.customer_agents.values(): customer.run_strategy() logger.debug( f"Running strategy {self.agent.customer_strategy} to customer {}" ) for station in self.agent.station_agents.values(): station.run_strategy() logger.debug( f"Running strategy {self.agent.directory_strategy} to station {}" ) self.agent.simulation_running = True self.agent.simulation_init_time = time.time() for delay in self.agent.delayed_launch_agents: agents = self.agent.delayed_launch_agents[delay] start_time = datetime.fromtimestamp( self.agent.simulation_init_time + delay ) self.agent.add_behaviour( DelayedLaunchBehaviour(agents, start_at=start_time) ) logger.success("Simulation started.") self.add_behaviour(RunBehaviour())
[docs] def stop(self): """ Finishes the simulation and prints simulation stats. Tasks done when a simulation is stopped: #. Stop participant agents. #. Print stats. #. Stop fleetmanager agent. """ self.simulation_time = self.get_simulation_time() self.directory_agent.stop().result() "Terminating... ({0:.1f} seconds elapsed)".format(self.simulation_time) ) self.stop_agents() self.print_stats() return super().stop()
[docs] def collect_stats(self): """ Collects stats from all participant agents and from the simulation and stores it in three dataframes. """ ( df_avg, self.transport_df, self.customer_df, self.manager_df, self.station_df, ) = self.get_stats_dataframes() columns = [] if self.config.simulation_name: df_avg["Simulation Name"] = self.config.simulation_name columns = ["Simulation Name"] columns += [ "Avg Customer Waiting Time", "Avg Customer Total Time", "Avg Transport Waiting Time", "Avg Transport Charging Time", "Avg Distance", "Simulation Time", ] if self.config.max_time: df_avg["Max Time"] = self.config.max_time columns += ["Max Time"] columns += ["Simulation Finished"] self.df_avg = df_avg[columns]
[docs] def print_stats(self): """ Prints the dataframes collected by ``collect_stats``. """ if self.df_avg is None: self.collect_stats() print("Simulation Results") print( tabulate( self.df_avg, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt="fancy_grid" ) ) print("FleetManager stats") print( tabulate( self.manager_df, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt="fancy_grid" ) ) print("Customer stats") print( tabulate( self.customer_df, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt="fancy_grid" ) ) print("Transport stats") print( tabulate( self.transport_df, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt="fancy_grid", ) ) print("Station stats") print( tabulate( self.station_df, headers="keys", showindex=False, tablefmt="fancy_grid" ) )
[docs] def write_file(self, filename, fileformat="json"): """ Writes the dataframes collected by ``collect_stats`` in JSON or Excel format. Args: filename (str): name of the output file to be written. fileformat (str): format of the output file. Choices: json or excel """ if self.df_avg is None: self.collect_stats() if fileformat == "json": self.write_json(filename) elif fileformat == "excel": self.write_excel(filename)
[docs] def write_json(self, filename): """ Writes the collected data by ``collect_stats`` in a json file. Args: filename (str): name of the json file. """ data = { "simulation": json.loads(self.df_avg.to_json(orient="index"))["0"], "customers": json.loads(self.customer_df.to_json(orient="index")), "transports": json.loads(self.transport_df.to_json(orient="index")), "managers": json.loads(self.manager_df.to_json(orient="index")), "stations": json.loads(self.station_df.to_json(orient="index")), } with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
[docs] def write_excel(self, filename): """ Writes the collected data by ``collect_stats`` in an excel file. Args: filename (str): name of the excel file. """ writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename) self.df_avg.to_excel(writer, "Simulation") self.manager_df.to_excel(writer, "FleetManagers") self.customer_df.to_excel(writer, "Customers") self.transport_df.to_excel(writer, "Transports")
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @property def manager_agents(self): """ Gets the dict of registered FleetManager Returns: dict: a dict of ``FleetManagerAgents`` with the name in the key """ return self.get("manager_agents") @property def transport_agents(self): """ Gets the dict of registered transports Returns: dict: a dict of ``TransportAgent`` with the name in the key """ return self.get("transport_agents") @property def customer_agents(self): """ Gets the dict of registered customers Returns: dict: a dict of ``CustomerAgent`` with the name in the key """ return self.get("customer_agents") @property def station_agents(self): """ Gets the dict of registered stations Returns: dict: a dict of ``StationAgent`` with the name in the key """ return self.get("station_agents")
[docs] async def index_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that returns the index page of the simulator. Returns: dict: the name of the template, the data to be pre-processed in the template """ return {"port": self.config.http_port, "ip": self.config.http_ip}
[docs] async def init_controller(self, request): return {"coords": self.config.coords, "zoom": self.config.zoom}
[docs] async def entities_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that returns a dict with the entities of the simulator and their statuses. Example of the entities returned data:: { "customers": [ { "status": 24, "transport": "transport2@", "dest": [ 39.463356, -0.376463 ], "waiting": 3.25, "position": [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ], "id": "michaelstewart" } ], "transports": [ { "status": 11, "customer": "michaelstewart@", "assignments": 1, "path": [ [ 39.478328, -0.406712 ], [ 39.478317, -0.406814 ], [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ] ], "dest": [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ], "position": [ 39.468131, -0.39685 ], "speed": 327.58, "id": "transport2", "distance": "6754.60" } ], "stats": { "totaltime": "-1.00", "waiting": "3.25", "finished": False, "is_running": True }, "tree": { "name": "Agents", "children": [ { "count": "1", "name": "Transports", "children": [ { "status": 11, "name": " transport2", "icon": "fa-transport" } ] }, { "count": "1", "name": "Customers", "children": [ { "status": 24, "name": " michaelstewart", "icon": "fa-user" } ] } ] }, "authenticated": False, "stations": [ { "status": 24, "position": [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ], "id": "michaelstewart" } ], } Returns: dict: no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with the list of transports, the list of customers, the tree view to be showed in the sidebar and the stats of the simulation. """ result = { "transports": [ transport.to_json() for transport in self.transport_agents.values() if transport.is_launched ], "customers": [ customer.to_json() for customer in self.customer_agents.values() if customer.is_launched ], "tree": self.generate_tree(), "stats": self.get_stats(), "stations": [station.to_json() for station in self.station_agents.values()], } return result
[docs] def generate_tree(self): """ Generates the tree view in JSON format to be showed in the sidebar. Returns: dict: a dict with all the agents in the simulator, with their name, status and icon. """ tree = { "name": "Agents", "children": [ { "name": "Transports", "count": "{}".format(len(self.transport_agents)), "children": [ { "name": " {}".format("@")[0]), "status": i.status, "icon": "fa-taxi", } for i in self.transport_agents.values() ], }, { "name": "Customers", "count": "{}".format(len(self.customer_agents)), "children": [ { "name": " {}".format("@")[0]), "status": i.status, "icon": "fa-user", } for i in self.customer_agents.values() ], }, ], } return tree
[docs] def get_stats(self): """ Generates the stats of the simulation in JSON format. Examples:: { "totaltime": "12.25", "waiting": "3.25", "finished": False, "is_running": True } Returns: dict: a dict with the total time, waiting time, is_running and finished values """ if len(self.customer_agents) > 0: waiting = avg( [ customer.get_waiting_time() for customer in self.customer_agents.values() ] ) total = avg( [ customer.total_time() for customer in self.customer_agents.values() if customer.total_time() ] ) else: waiting, total = 0, 0 if len(self.transport_agents) > 0: t_waiting = avg( [ transport.total_waiting_time for transport in self.transport_agents.values() ] ) t_charging = avg( [ transport.total_charging_time for transport in self.transport_agents.values() ] ) distance = avg( [ sum(transport.distances) for transport in self.transport_agents.values() ] ) else: t_waiting = 0 t_charging = 0 distance = 0 return { "waiting": "{0:.2f}".format(waiting), "totaltime": "{0:.2f}".format(total), "t_waiting": "{0:.2f}".format(t_waiting), "t_charging": "{0:.2f}".format(t_charging), "distance": "{0:.2f}".format(distance), "finished": self.is_simulation_finished(), "is_running": self.simulation_running, }
[docs] def all_customers_in_destination(self): """ Checks whether the simulation has finished or not. A simulation is finished if all customers are at their destinations. If there is no customers the simulation is not finished. Returns:` bool: whether the simulation has finished or not. """ if len(self.customer_agents) > 0: return all( [ customer.is_in_destination() for customer in self.customer_agents.values() ] ) else: return False
[docs] async def run_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that starts the simulator. Returns: dict: no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, an empty data dict is returned """ return {"status": "ok"}
[docs] async def clean_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that resets the simulator to a clean state. Returns: dict: no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with status=done """"Stopping simulation...") coroutines = self.stop_agents() await asyncio.gather(*coroutines) self.clear_agents() return {"status": "done"}
[docs] async def stop_agents_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that stops all the customer and transport agents. Returns: dict: no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with status=done """ coroutines = self.stop_agents() await asyncio.gather(*coroutines) return {"status": "done"}
[docs] async def download_stats_excel_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that returns an Excel file with the simulation results. Returns: Response: a Response of type "attachment" with the file content. """ headers = {"Content-Disposition": "Attachment; filename=simulation.xlsx"} output = io.BytesIO() # Use a temp filename to keep pandas happy. writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine="xlsxwriter") # Write the data frame to the StringIO object. ( df_avg, transport_df, customer_df, manager_df, stations_df, ) = self.get_stats_dataframes() df_avg.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Simulation") customer_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Customers") transport_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Transports") manager_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="FleetManagers") stations_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Stations") xlsx_data = output.getvalue() return aioweb.Response(body=xlsx_data, headers=headers)
[docs] async def download_stats_json_controller(self, request): """ Web controller that returns a JSON file with the simulation results. Returns: Response: a Response of type "attachment" with the file content. """ headers = {"Content-Disposition": "Attachment; filename=simulation.json"} output = io.StringIO() # Write the data frame to the StringIO object. ( df_avg, transport_df, customer_df, manager_df, stations_df, ) = self.get_stats_dataframes() data = { "simulation": json.loads(df_avg.to_json(orient="index"))["0"], "customers": json.loads(customer_df.to_json(orient="index")), "transports": json.loads(transport_df.to_json(orient="index")), "fleetmanagers": json.loads(manager_df.to_json(orient="index")), "stations": json.loads(stations_df.to_json(orient="index")), } json.dump(data, output, indent=4) return aioweb.Response(body=output.getvalue(), headers=headers)
[docs] def clear_agents(self): """ Resets the set of transports and customers. Resets the simulation clock. """ self.set("manager_agents", {}) self.set("transport_agents", {}) self.set("customer_agents", {}) self.set("station_agents", {}) self.simulation_time = None self.simulation_init_time = None
[docs] def clear_stopped_agents(self): """ Removes from the transport and customer sets every agent that is stopped. """ agents = self.get("manager_agents") self.set( "manager_agents", {jid: agent for jid, agent in agents.items() if not agent.stopped}, ) agents = self.get("transport_agents") self.set( "transport_agents", {jid: agent for jid, agent in agents.items() if not agent.stopped}, ) agents = self.get("customer_agents") self.set( "customer_agents", {jid: agent for jid, agent in agents.items() if not agent.stopped}, ) agents = self.get("station_agents") self.set( "station_agents", {jid: agent for jid, agent in agents.items() if not agent.stopped}, ) self.simulation_time = None self.simulation_init_time = None
[docs] def stop_agents(self): """ Stops the simulator and all the agents """ self.kill_simulator.set() self.simulation_running = False results = [] if not self.simulation_time: self.simulation_time = ( time.time() - self.simulation_init_time if self.simulation_init_time else 0 ) with self.lock: for name, agent in self.manager_agents.items(): logger.debug("Stopping manager {}".format(name)) results.append(agent.stop()) agent.stopped = True with self.lock: for name, agent in self.transport_agents.items(): logger.debug("Stopping transport {}".format(name)) results.append(agent.stop()) agent.stopped = True with self.lock: for name, agent in self.customer_agents.items(): logger.debug("Stopping customer {}".format(name)) results.append(agent.stop()) agent.stopped = True with self.lock: for name, agent in self.station_agents.items(): logger.debug("Stopping station {}".format(name)) results.append(agent.stop()) agent.stopped = True return results
[docs] def get_manager_stats(self): """ Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the customers The dataframe includes for each customer its name, waiting time, total time and status. Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: the dataframe with the customers stats. """ try: names, quantities, types = zip( *[ (, manager.transports_in_fleet, manager.fleet_type) for manager in self.manager_agents.values() ] ) except ValueError: names, quantities, types = [], [], [] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( {"fleet_name": names, "transports_in_fleet": quantities, "type": types} ) return df
[docs] def get_customer_stats(self): """ Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the customers The dataframe includes for each customer its name, waiting time, total time and status. Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: the dataframe with the customers stats. """ try: names, waitings, totals, statuses = zip( *[ (, p.get_waiting_time(), p.total_time(), status_to_str(p.status), ) for p in self.customer_agents.values() ] ) except ValueError: names, waitings, totals, statuses = [], [], [], [] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "name": names, "waiting_time": waitings, "total_time": totals, "status": statuses, } ) return df
[docs] def get_transport_stats(self): """ Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the transports The dataframe includes for each transport its name, assignments, traveled distance and status. Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: the dataframe with the transports stats. """ try: ( names, assignments, distances, waiting_in_station_time, charging_time, statuses, ) = zip( *[ (, t.num_assignments, "{0:.2f}".format(sum(t.distances)), "{0:.2f}".format(t.total_waiting_time), "{0:.2f}".format(t.total_charging_time), status_to_str(t.status), ) for t in self.transport_agents.values() ] ) except ValueError: ( names, assignments, distances, waiting_in_station_time, charging_time, statuses, ) = ([], [], [], [], []) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "name": names, "assignments": assignments, "distance": distances, "waiting_in_station_time": waiting_in_station_time, "charging_time": charging_time, "status": statuses, } ) return df
[docs] def get_station_stats(self): """ Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the customers The dataframe includes for each customer its name, waiting time, total time and status. Returns: ``pandas.DataFrame``: the dataframe with the customers stats. """ try: avg_busy_time = [] for p in self.station_agents.values(): if p.charged_transports > 0: avg_busy_time.append( "{0:.2f}".format(p.total_busy_time / p.charged_transports) ) else: avg_busy_time.append(0) ( names, status, places, power, charged_transports, max_queue_length, total_busy_time, ) = zip( *[ (, p.status, p.available_places, p.power, p.charged_transports, p.max_queue_length, "{0:.2f}".format(p.total_busy_time), ) for p in self.station_agents.values() ] ) except ValueError: ( names, status, places, power, charged_transports, max_queue_length, total_busy_time, avg_busy_time, ) = ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], []) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "name": names, "status": status, "available_places": places, "power": power, "charged_transports": charged_transports, "max_queue_length": max_queue_length, "total_busy_time": total_busy_time, "avg_busy_time": avg_busy_time, } ) return df
[docs] def get_stats_dataframes(self): """ Collects simulation stats and returns 3 dataframes with the information: A general dataframe with the average information, a dataframe with the transport's information and a dataframe with the customer's information. Returns: pandas.Dataframe, pandas.Dataframe, pandas.Dataframe: avg df, transport df and customer df """ manager_df = self.get_manager_stats() manager_df = manager_df[["fleet_name", "transports_in_fleet", "type"]] customer_df = self.get_customer_stats() customer_df = customer_df[["name", "waiting_time", "total_time", "status"]] transport_df = self.get_transport_stats() transport_df = transport_df[ [ "name", "assignments", "distance", "waiting_in_station_time", "charging_time", "status", ] ] station_df = self.get_station_stats() station_df = station_df[ [ "name", "status", "available_places", "power", "charged_transports", "max_queue_length", "total_busy_time", "avg_busy_time", ] ] stats = self.get_stats() df_avg = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "Avg Customer Waiting Time": [stats["waiting"]], "Avg Customer Total Time": [stats["totaltime"]], "Avg Transport Waiting Time": [stats["t_waiting"]], "Avg Transport Charging Time": [stats["t_charging"]], "Avg Distance": [stats["distance"]], "Simulation Finished": [stats["finished"]], "Simulation Time": [self.get_simulation_time()], } ) columns = [ "Avg Customer Waiting Time", "Avg Customer Total Time", "Avg Transport Waiting Time", "Avg Transport Charging Time", "Avg Distance", "Simulation Time", "Simulation Finished", ] df_avg = df_avg[columns] return df_avg, transport_df, customer_df, manager_df, station_df
[docs] async def async_start_agent(self, agent): await agent.start()
[docs] def create_directory_agent(self, name, password): jid = f"{name}@{self.jid.domain}" agent = DirectoryAgent(jid, password) logger.debug("Creating Directory agent {}".format(jid)) agent.set_id(name) self.set_directory(agent) agent.strategy = self.directory_strategy agent.run_strategy() agent.start().result()
[docs] def create_fleetmanager_agent( self, name, password, fleet_type, strategy=None, icon=None ): jid = f"{name}@{self.jid.domain}" agent = FleetManagerAgent(jid, password) logger.debug("Creating FleetManager {}".format(jid)) agent.set_id(name) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) logger.debug("Assigning type {} to fleet manager {}".format(fleet_type, name)) agent.set_fleet_type(fleet_type) if strategy: agent.strategy = load_class(strategy) else: agent.strategy = self.fleetmanager_strategy if self.simulation_running: agent.run_strategy() self.add_manager(agent) agent.is_launched = True self.submit(self.async_start_agent(agent)) return agent
[docs] def create_transport_agent( self, name, password, fleet_type, fleetmanager, position, strategy=None, speed=None, autonomy=None, current_autonomy=None, delayed=False, ): jid = f"{name}@{self.jid.domain}" agent = TransportAgent(jid, password) logger.debug("Creating Transport {}".format(jid)) agent.set_id(name) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) logger.debug("Assigning type {} to transport {}".format(fleet_type, name)) agent.set_fleet_type(fleet_type) agent.set_fleetmanager(fleetmanager) agent.set_route_host(self.route_host) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) if autonomy: agent.set_autonomy(autonomy, current_autonomy=current_autonomy) agent.set_initial_position(position) if speed: agent.set_speed(speed) if strategy: agent.strategy = load_class(strategy) else: agent.strategy = self.transport_strategy if self.simulation_running: agent.run_strategy() self.add_transport(agent) if not delayed: agent.is_launched = True # TODO return agent
[docs] def create_customer_agent( self, name, password, fleet_type, position, strategy=None, target=None, delayed=False, ): """ Create a customer agent. Args: name (str): name of the agent password (str): password of the agent fleet_type (str): type of he fleet to be or demand position (list): initial coordinates of the agent strategy (class, optional): strategy class of the agent target (list, optional): destination coordinates of the agent delayed (bool, optional): launching of the agent delayed or not """ jid = f"{name}@{self.jid.domain}" agent = CustomerAgent(jid, password) logger.debug("Creating Customer {}".format(jid)) agent.set_id(name) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) logger.debug("Assigning fleet type {} to customer {}".format(fleet_type, name)) agent.set_fleet_type(fleet_type) agent.set_route_host(self.route_host) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) agent.set_position(position) agent.set_target_position(target) if strategy: agent.strategy = load_class(strategy) else: agent.strategy = self.customer_strategy if self.simulation_running: agent.run_strategy() self.add_customer(agent) if not delayed: agent.is_launched = True # TODO return agent
[docs] def create_station_agent( self, name, password, position, power, places, strategy=None ): """ Create a customer agent. Args: name (str): name of the agent password (str): password of the agent position (list): initial coordinates of the agent power (int): power of the station agent in kW places (int): destination coordinates of the agent strategy (class, optional): strategy class of the agent """ jid = f"{name}@{self.jid.domain}" agent = StationAgent(jid, password) logger.debug("Creating station {}".format(jid)) agent.set_id(name) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) agent.set_directory(self.get_directory().jid) agent.set_position(position) agent.set_available_places(places) agent.set_power(power) if strategy: agent.strategy = load_class(strategy) else: agent.strategy = self.station_strategy if self.simulation_running: agent.run_strategy() self.add_station(agent) agent.is_launched = True # TODO return agent
[docs] def add_manager(self, agent): """ Adds a new ``FleetManagerAgent`` to the store. Args: agent (``FleetManagerAgent``): the instance of the FleetManagerAgent to be added """ with self.simulation_mutex: self.get("manager_agents")[] = agent
[docs] def add_transport(self, agent): """ Adds a new ``TransportAgent`` to the store. Args: agent (``TransportAgent``): the instance of the TransportAgent to be added """ with self.simulation_mutex: self.get("transport_agents")[] = agent
[docs] def add_customer(self, agent): """ Adds a new :class:`CustomerAgent` to the store. Args: agent (``CustomerAgent``): the instance of the CustomerAgent to be added """ with self.simulation_mutex: self.get("customer_agents")[] = agent
[docs] def add_station(self, agent): """ Adds a new :class:`StationAgent` to the store. Args: agent (``StationAgent``): the instance of the StationAgent to be added """ with self.simulation_mutex: self.get("station_agents")[] = agent
[docs] def set_default_strategies( self, fleetmanager_strategy, transport_strategy, customer_strategy, directory_strategy, station_strategy, ): """ Gets the strategy strings and loads their classes. This strategies are prepared to be injected into any new transport or customer agent. Args: fleetmanager_strategy (str): the path to the fleetmanager strategy transport_strategy (str): the path to the transport strategy customer_strategy (str): the path to the customer strategy directory_strategy (str): the path to the directory strategy station_strategy (str): the path to the station strategy """ self.fleetmanager_strategy = load_class(fleetmanager_strategy) self.transport_strategy = load_class(transport_strategy) self.customer_strategy = load_class(customer_strategy) self.directory_strategy = load_class(directory_strategy) self.station_strategy = load_class(station_strategy) logger.debug( "Loaded default strategy classes: {}, {}, {}, {} and {}".format( self.fleetmanager_strategy, self.transport_strategy, self.customer_strategy, self.directory_strategy, self.station_strategy, ) )
[docs] def get_simulation_time(self): """ Returns the elapsed simulation time to the current time. If the simulation is not started it returns 0. Returns: float: the whole simulation time. """ if not self.simulation_init_time: return 0 if self.simulation_running: return time.time() - self.simulation_init_time return self.simulation_time
[docs] def request_path(self, origin, destination): """ Requests a path to the route server. Args: origin (list): the origin coordinates (lon, lat) destination (list): the target coordinates (lon, lat) Returns: list, float, float: the path as a list of points, the distance of the path, the estimated duration of the path """ return async_request_path(self, origin, destination, self.route_host)
[docs]class DelayedLaunchBehaviour(TimeoutBehaviour): def __init__(self, agents, *args, **kwargs): self.agents = agents super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def run(self): for agent in self.agents: agent.is_launched = True await agent.start()