Source code for simfleet.fleetmanager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
from asyncio import CancelledError

import faker
from loguru import logger
from spade.agent import Agent
from spade.behaviour import CyclicBehaviour
from spade.message import Message
from spade.template import Template

from .protocol import (
from .utils import StrategyBehaviour

faker_factory = faker.Factory.create()

[docs]class FleetManagerAgent(Agent): """ FleetManager agent that manages the requests between transports and customers """ def __init__(self, agentjid, password): super().__init__(jid=agentjid, password=password) self.strategy = None self.running_strategy = False self.transports_in_fleet = 0 self.agent_id = None self.fleet_type = None self.registration = False self.directory_id = None self.fleet_icon = None self.stopped = False self.is_launched = False self.ready = False self.clear_agents()
[docs] def is_ready(self): return self.ready
[docs] def clear_agents(self): """ Resets the set of transports and customers. Resets the simulation clock. """ self.set("transport_agents", {})
[docs] async def setup(self):"FleetManager agent {} running".format( try: template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) register_behaviour = TransportRegistrationForFleetBehaviour() self.add_behaviour(register_behaviour, template) while not self.has_behaviour(register_behaviour): logger.warning( "Manager {} could not create RegisterBehaviour. Retrying...".format( self.agent_id ) ) self.add_behaviour(register_behaviour, template) self.ready = True except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION creating RegisterBehaviour in Manager {}: {}".format( self.agent_id, e ) )
[docs] def set_id(self, agent_id): """ Sets the agent identifier Args: agent_id (str): The new Agent Id """ self.agent_id = agent_id
[docs] def set_icon(self, icon): self.fleet_icon = icon
[docs] def run_strategy(self): """ Runs the strategy for the transport agent. """ if not self.running_strategy: template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) self.add_behaviour(self.strategy(), template) self.running_strategy = True
[docs] def set_registration(self, status): """ Sets the status of registration Args: status (boolean): True if the transport agent has registered or False if not """ self.registration = status
[docs] def set_directory(self, directory_id): """ Sets the directory JID address Args: directory_id (str): the DirectoryAgent jid """ self.directory_id = directory_id
[docs] def set_fleet_type(self, fleet_type): """ Sets the type of service to the fleet Args: type_service (str): type of service """ self.fleet_type = fleet_type
[docs]class TransportRegistrationForFleetBehaviour(CyclicBehaviour):
[docs] async def on_start(self): logger.debug("Strategy {} started in manager".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def add_transport(self, agent): """ Adds a new ``TransportAgent`` to the store. Args: agent (``TransportAgent``): the instance of the TransportAgent to be added """ self.agent.transports_in_fleet += 1 self.get("transport_agents")[agent["name"]] = agent
[docs] def remove_transport(self, key): """ Erase a ``TransportAgent`` to the store. Args: agent (``TransportAgent``): the instance of the TransportAgent to be erased """ if key in self.get("transport_agents"): del self.get("transport_agents")[key] logger.debug("Deregistration of the TransporterAgent {}".format(key)) self.agent.transports_in_fleet -= 1 else: logger.debug("Cancelation of the registration in the Fleet")
[docs] async def accept_registration(self, agent_id): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` with an acceptance to transport to register in the fleet. """ reply = Message() content = {"icon": self.agent.fleet_icon, "fleet_type": self.agent.fleet_type} = str(agent_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def reject_registration(self, agent_id): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` with an acceptance to transport to register in the fleet. """ reply = Message() = str(agent_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", REFUSE_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = "" await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def run(self): try: msg = await self.receive(timeout=5) if msg: performative = msg.get_metadata("performative") if performative == REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE: content = json.loads(msg.body) if content["fleet_type"] == self.agent.fleet_type: self.add_transport(content) await self.accept_registration(msg.sender) logger.debug( "Registration in the fleet {}".format( ) else: await self.reject_registration(msg.sender) if performative == ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE: self.agent.set_registration(True)"Registration in the dictionary of services") except CancelledError: logger.debug("Cancelling async tasks...") except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION in RegisterBehaviour of Manager {}: {}".format(, e ) )
[docs]class FleetManagerStrategyBehaviour(StrategyBehaviour): """ Class from which to inherit to create a coordinator strategy. You must overload the :func:`_process` method Helper functions: * :func:`get_transport_agents` """
[docs] async def on_start(self): logger.debug("Strategy {} started in manager".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def get_transport_agents(self): """ Gets the list of registered transports Returns: list: a list of ``TransportAgent`` """ return self.get("transport_agents")
[docs] async def send_registration(self): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` with a proposal to directory to register. """ "Manager {} sent proposal to register to directory {}".format(, self.agent.directory_id ) ) content = {"jid": str(self.agent.jid), "type": self.agent.fleet_type} msg = Message() = str(self.agent.directory_id) msg.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) msg.set_metadata("performative", REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE) msg.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(msg)
[docs] async def run(self): raise NotImplementedError