Source code for

import json
from asyncio import CancelledError

from loguru import logger
from spade.agent import Agent
from spade.message import Message
from spade.template import Template

from .protocol import (
from .utils import StrategyBehaviour, CyclicBehaviour

[docs]class DirectoryAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, agentjid, password): super().__init__(jid=agentjid, password=password) self.strategy = None self.agent_id = None self.set("service_agents", {}) self.stopped = False
[docs] def set_id(self, agent_id): """ Sets the agent identifier Args: agent_id (str): The new agent id """ self.agent_id = agent_id
[docs] def run_strategy(self): """ Runs the strategy for the directory agent. """ template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", QUERY_PROTOCOL) self.add_behaviour(self.strategy(), template)
[docs] async def setup(self):"Directory agent {} running".format( try: template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) register_behaviour = RegistrationBehaviour() self.add_behaviour(register_behaviour, template) while not self.has_behaviour(register_behaviour): logger.warning( "Directory {} could not create RegisterBehaviour. Retrying...".format( self.agent_id ) ) self.add_behaviour(register_behaviour, template) except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION creating RegisterBehaviour in Directory {}: {}".format( self.agent_id, e ) )
[docs]class RegistrationBehaviour(CyclicBehaviour):
[docs] async def on_start(self): logger.debug("Strategy {} started in directory".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def add_service(self, content): """ Adds a new service to the store. Args: content (dict): content to be added """ service = self.get("service_agents") if content["type"] in service: service[content["type"]][content["jid"]] = content else: service[content["type"]] = {content["jid"]: content}
[docs] def remove_service(self, service_type, agent): """ Erase a service from the store. Args: service_type (str): the service type to be erased agent (str): an str with the jid of the agent to be erased """ del self.get("service_agents")[service_type][agent] logger.debug( "Deregistration of the Manager {} for service {}".format( agent, service_type ) )
[docs] async def send_confirmation(self, agent_id): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` with an acceptance to manager/station to register in the dictionary """ reply = Message() = str(agent_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", REGISTER_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def run(self): try: msg = await self.receive(timeout=5) if msg: agent_id = msg.sender performative = msg.get_metadata("performative") if performative == REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE: content = json.loads(msg.body) self.add_service(content) logger.debug( "Registration in the dictionary {}".format( ) await self.send_confirmation(agent_id) except CancelledError: logger.debug("Cancelling async tasks...") except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION in DirectoryRegister Behaviour of Directory {}: {}".format(, e ) )
[docs]class DirectoryStrategyBehaviour(StrategyBehaviour): """ Class from which to inherit to create a directory strategy. """
[docs] async def on_start(self): logger.debug("Strategy {} started in directory".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] async def send_services(self, agent_id, type_service): """ Send a message to the customer or transport with the current information of the type of service they need. Args: agent_id (str): the id of the manager/station type_service (str): the type of service """ reply = Message() = str(agent_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", QUERY_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", INFORM_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = json.dumps(self.get("service_agents")[type_service]) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def send_negative(self, agent_id): """ Sends a message to the current assigned manager/station to cancel the registration. Args: agent_id (str): the id of the manager/station """ reply = Message() = str(agent_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", QUERY_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", CANCEL_PERFORMATIVE) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def run(self): msg = await self.receive(timeout=5) logger.debug( "Directory {} has a mailbox size of {}".format(, self.mailbox_size() ) ) if msg: performative = msg.get_metadata("performative") agent_id = msg.sender request = msg.body if performative == REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE: "Directory {} received message from customer/transport {}".format(, agent_id ) ) if request in self.get("service_agents"): await self.send_services(agent_id, msg.body) else: await self.send_negative(agent_id)