Source code for simfleet.customer

import json
import time
from asyncio import CancelledError

from loguru import logger
from spade.agent import Agent
from spade.behaviour import CyclicBehaviour
from spade.message import Message
from spade.template import Template

from .helpers import random_position
from .protocol import (
from .utils import (

[docs]class CustomerAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, agentjid, password): super().__init__(agentjid, password) self.agent_id = None self.strategy = None self.icon = None self.running_strategy = False self.fleet_type = None self.fleetmanagers = None self.route_host = None self.status = CUSTOMER_WAITING self.current_pos = None self.dest = None self.port = None self.transport_assigned = None self.init_time = None self.waiting_for_pickup_time = None self.pickup_time = None self.end_time = None self.stopped = False self.ready = False self.is_launched = False self.directory_id = None self.type_service = "taxi"
[docs] async def setup(self): try: template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", TRAVEL_PROTOCOL) travel_behaviour = TravelBehaviour() self.add_behaviour(travel_behaviour, template) while not self.has_behaviour(travel_behaviour): logger.warning( "Customer {} could not create TravelBehaviour. Retrying...".format( self.agent_id ) ) self.add_behaviour(travel_behaviour, template) self.ready = True except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION creating TravelBehaviour in Customer {}: {}".format( self.agent_id, e ) )
[docs] def is_ready(self): return not self.is_launched or (self.is_launched and self.ready)
[docs] def run_strategy(self): """import json Runs the strategy for the customer agent. """ if not self.running_strategy: template1 = Template() template1.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) template2 = Template() template2.set_metadata("protocol", QUERY_PROTOCOL) self.add_behaviour(self.strategy(), template1 | template2) self.running_strategy = True
[docs] def set_id(self, agent_id): """ Sets the agent identifier Args: agent_id (str): The new Agent Id """ self.agent_id = agent_id
[docs] def set_icon(self, icon): self.icon = icon
[docs] def set_fleet_type(self, fleet_type): """ Sets the type of fleet to be used. Args: fleet_type (str): the type of the fleet to be used """ self.fleet_type = fleet_type
[docs] def set_fleetmanager(self, fleetmanagers): """ Sets the fleetmanager JID address Args: fleetmanagers (str): the fleetmanager jid """ self.fleetmanagers = fleetmanagers
[docs] def set_route_host(self, route_host): """ Sets the route host server address Args: route_host (str): the route host server address """ self.route_host = route_host
[docs] def set_directory(self, directory_id): """ Sets the directory JID address Args: directory_id (str): the DirectoryAgent jid """ self.directory_id = directory_id
[docs] def set_position(self, coords=None): """ Sets the position of the customer. If no position is provided it is located in a random position. Args: coords (list): a list coordinates (longitude and latitude) """ if coords: self.current_pos = coords else: self.current_pos = random_position() logger.debug( "Customer {} position is {}".format(self.agent_id, self.current_pos) )
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Returns the current position of the customer. Returns: list: the coordinates of the current position of the customer (lon, lat) """ return self.current_pos
[docs] def set_target_position(self, coords=None): """ Sets the target position of the customer (i.e. its destination). If no position is provided the destination is setted to a random position. Args: coords (list): a list coordinates (longitude and latitude) """ if coords: self.dest = coords else: self.dest = random_position() logger.debug( "Customer {} target position is {}".format(self.agent_id, self.dest) )
[docs] def is_in_destination(self): """ Checks if the customer has arrived to its destination. Returns: bool: whether the customer is at its destination or not """ return self.status == CUSTOMER_IN_DEST or self.get_position() == self.dest
[docs] async def request_path(self, origin, destination): """ Requests a path between two points (origin and destination) using the route server. Args: origin (list): the coordinates of the origin of the requested path destination (list): the coordinates of the end of the requested path Returns: list, float, float: A list of points that represent the path from origin to destination, the distance and the estimated duration Examples: >>> path, distance, duration = await self.request_path(origin=[0,0], destination=[1,1]) >>> print(path) [[0,0], [0,1], [1,1]] >>> print(distance) 2.0 >>> print(duration) 3.24 """ return await request_path(self, origin, destination, self.route_host)
[docs] def total_time(self): """ Returns the time since the customer was activated until it reached its destination. Returns: float: the total time of the customer's simulation. """ if self.init_time and self.end_time: return self.end_time - self.init_time else: return None
[docs] def get_waiting_time(self): """ Returns the time that the agent was waiting for a transport, from its creation until it gets into a transport. Returns: float: The time the customer was waiting. """ if self.init_time: if self.pickup_time: t = self.pickup_time - self.init_time elif not self.stopped: t = time.time() - self.init_time self.waiting_for_pickup_time = t else: t = self.waiting_for_pickup_time return t return None
[docs] def get_pickup_time(self): """ Returns the time that the customer was waiting to be picked up since it has been assigned to a transport. Returns: float: The time that the customer was waiting to a transport since it has been assigned. """ if self.pickup_time: return self.pickup_time - self.waiting_for_pickup_time return None
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Serializes the main information of a customer agent to a JSON format. It includes the id of the agent, its current position, the destination coordinates of the agent, the current status, the transport that it has assigned (if any) and its waiting time. Returns: dict: a JSON doc with the main information of the customer. Example:: { "id": "cphillips", "position": [ 39.461327, -0.361839 ], "dest": [ 39.460599, -0.335041 ], "status": 24, "transport": "ghiggins@", "waiting": 13.45 } """ t = self.get_waiting_time() return { "id": self.agent_id, "position": [float("{0:.6f}".format(coord)) for coord in self.current_pos], "dest": [float("{0:.6f}".format(coord)) for coord in self.dest], "status": self.status, "transport": self.transport_assigned.split("@")[0] if self.transport_assigned else None, "waiting": float("{0:.2f}".format(t)) if t else None, "icon": self.icon, }
[docs]class TravelBehaviour(CyclicBehaviour): """ This is the internal behaviour that manages the movement of the customer. It is triggered when the transport informs the customer that it is going to the customer's position until the customer is dropped in its destination. """
[docs] async def on_start(self): logger.debug("Customer {} started TravelBehavior.".format(
[docs] async def run(self): try: msg = await self.receive(timeout=5) if not msg: return content = json.loads(msg.body) logger.debug("Customer {} informed of: {}".format(, content)) if "status" in content: status = content["status"] if status != CUSTOMER_LOCATION: logger.debug( "Customer {} informed of status: {}".format(, status_to_str(status) ) ) if status == TRANSPORT_MOVING_TO_CUSTOMER: "Customer {} waiting for transport.".format( ) self.agent.waiting_for_pickup_time = time.time() elif status == TRANSPORT_IN_CUSTOMER_PLACE: self.agent.status = CUSTOMER_IN_TRANSPORT"Customer {} in transport.".format( self.agent.pickup_time = time.time() elif status == CUSTOMER_IN_DEST: self.agent.status = CUSTOMER_IN_DEST self.agent.end_time = time.time() "Customer {} arrived to destination after {} seconds.".format(, self.agent.total_time() ) ) elif status == CUSTOMER_LOCATION: coords = content["location"] self.agent.set_position(coords) except CancelledError: logger.debug("Cancelling async tasks...") except Exception as e: logger.error( "EXCEPTION in Travel Behaviour of Customer {}: {}".format(, e ) )
[docs]class CustomerStrategyBehaviour(StrategyBehaviour): """ Class from which to inherit to create a transport strategy. You must overload the ``run`` coroutine Helper functions: * ``send_request`` * ``accept_transport`` * ``refuse_transport`` """
[docs] async def on_start(self): """ Initializes the logger and timers. Call to parent method if overloaded. """ logger.debug( "Strategy {} started in customer {}".format( type(self).__name__, ) ) self.agent.init_time = time.time()
[docs] async def send_get_managers(self, content=None): """ Sends an ``spade.message.Message`` to the DirectoryAgent to request a managers. It uses the QUERY_PROTOCOL and the REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE. If no content is set a default content with the type_service that needs Args: content (dict): Optional content dictionary """ if content is None or len(content) == 0: content = self.agent.fleet_type msg = Message() = str(self.agent.directory_id) msg.set_metadata("protocol", QUERY_PROTOCOL) msg.set_metadata("performative", REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE) msg.body = content await self.send(msg) "Customer {} asked for managers to directory {} for type {}.".format(, self.agent.directory_id, self.agent.type_service ) )
[docs] async def send_request(self, content=None): """ Sends an ``spade.message.Message`` to the fleetmanager to request a transport. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE. If no content is set a default content with the customer_id, origin and target coordinates is used. Args: content (dict): Optional content dictionary """ if not self.agent.dest: self.agent.dest = random_position() if content is None or len(content) == 0: content = { "customer_id": str(self.agent.jid), "origin": self.agent.current_pos, "dest": self.agent.dest, } if self.agent.fleetmanagers is not None: for ( fleetmanager ) in self.agent.fleetmanagers.keys(): # Send a message to all FleetManagers msg = Message() = str(fleetmanager) msg.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) msg.set_metadata("performative", REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE) msg.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(msg) "Customer {} asked for a transport to {}.".format(, self.agent.dest ) ) else: logger.warning("Customer {} has no fleet managers.".format(
[docs] async def accept_transport(self, transport_id): """ Sends a ``spade.message.Message`` to a transport to accept a travel proposal. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE. Args: transport_id (str): The Agent JID of the transport """ reply = Message() = str(transport_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE) content = { "customer_id": str(self.agent.jid), "origin": self.agent.current_pos, "dest": self.agent.dest, } reply.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(reply) self.agent.transport_assigned = str(transport_id) "Customer {} accepted proposal from transport {}".format(, transport_id ) )
[docs] async def refuse_transport(self, transport_id): """ Sends an ``spade.message.Message`` to a transport to refuse a travel proposal. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the REFUSE_PERFORMATIVE. Args: transport_id (str): The Agent JID of the transport """ reply = Message() = str(transport_id) reply.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", REFUSE_PERFORMATIVE) content = { "customer_id": str(self.agent.jid), "origin": self.agent.current_pos, "dest": self.agent.dest, } reply.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(reply) "Customer {} refused proposal from transport {}".format(, transport_id ) )
[docs] async def run(self): raise NotImplementedError